A new blog!

You've probably heard me proclaim more than once, ¨I'm really good at the internet.¨  And if you've known me long enough, I've probably proven it.  I subscribe to Blake's philosophy that if you can imagine something, it already exists on Google, and I believe that the global worldwide interwebs, with all its/their woes, also has a lot to offer us.  So last week I started a new blog: imreallygoodattheinternet.blogspot.com

Follow if you like...more relevant, my latest post there is also a post that belongs here.  Enjoy!

Stuff Worth Sharing. Or Not.: Lunfardo:

"The translation of lunfardo is slang, but it is so, so much more. It's part of what makes Argentine spanish so appealing, and so confusing..." [read more here]


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