Sheep hugger

Amid the whirlwind of goings on, I found a moment of peace last weekend.  Romi, a friend who radiates all kinds of beauty, decided to celebrate her birthday in Baradero.  Why Baradero, you ask?  And what is Baradero, anyway?  Well, it's a city where you'll find Comunidad German Frers, a center for at-risk and impoverished children situated on a piece of land that is farmed sustainably to help support the kids and their families.  Truly an amazing undertaking...and one in dire need of volunteers.  Entonces.  Romi invited one and all to volunteer there.  Read more about CGF on their facebook page (website in progress)...and by all means go and volunteer there!

How very satisfying to start the weekend looking at a piece of untilled earth covered in grass and weeds, and to finish it looking at neat rows of tomillo (thyme) and habichuela (kidney beans, I think?).

In progress


One huertita down...

After breaking for lunch, I went to visit the animals. And that's when I sat on the grass and hugged a sheep.  And that's when I exhaled.


Ash said...

Wow I really want a sheep they look soo cool!!!

Unknown said...

Do you still want to eat lamb? I cannot. Despite reminiscing of the succulent taste of a good ol' lamb chop, after spending an afternoon amidst ovejitas (?) I cannot bring myself to eat one. Thoughts?

Jules said...

yay to these things!

Anonymous said...


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