"Reader, it is time for your tempest-tossed vessel to come to port. What harbor can receive you more securely than a great library? Certainly there is one in the city from which you set out and to which you have returned after circling the world from book to book..."
Italo Calvino, If on a winter's night a traveler
Don't you just love those moments when the book you hold in your hands is speaking directly to you? This tempest-tossed Julia has come to port in none other than New York, New York. I was born here, and, after 9 months of traveling, it feels as if I've had somewhat of a rebirth of self...a self that is, in the end, a New Yorker. So here I am.
But not before a fabulous final few weeks in Buenos Aires, where it's getting warmer (that's the thing about the southern hemisphere...) and living in the moment sometimes means jumping in the pool:

Then a twelve-hour farewell party which included everything I love most about Argentina: empanadas, Quilmes/Brahma, bolicheando, mate, boludeando, Fernet, dulce de leche, Drexler, picada, salsa golf (gracias, Nachitoo!), 3 a.m. truco, and most of all the incredible (really, super impresionante) friends that I made:
Next off to Las Vegas for Maddy's 21st birthday!
Then to the nearby Hoover Dam to check out some vacuums...just kidding...actually, it's a remarkable architehtural and engineering feat. To commemorate my visit, I (what else?) jumped:
And then off to Washington, D.C. with Erica for a surprise visit to Ms. Theo! We had a wonderful reunion, and Erica and Cam churned out latkes like pros. And I must say, there was something special to returning to the U.S. of A. and seeing those emblems special to our nation's capital:
Can't figure out how to rotate the Washington Monument |
But there's the Capitol Building, correctly oriented |
And while, as the song says, America is the "land that I love," seeing the people I love has brought me the most joy. So that is what I'll be up to in the coming weeks. Do drop a line and say hello!
And hey, one more thing. Thanks for reading. All of your comments and support have made me feel connected in a way I don't know how to describe. In my journey around the world, I took comfort in knowing that my dear ones (and the occasional casual reader) were just a "Free WiFi!" sign away.
The trip is over. The adventure continues.
Welcome back Julia!
I love this post. Quite literally, welcome home!
Yo no sé mañana... yo no sé mañana...
Firmo RE ANÓNIMA xq me la RE banco!!!! ja!
Welcome home, worldly Bob.
Gracias, everyone!! @Anonymous, quien sos? Te pregunto porque hablas un idioma muy raro, muy desconocido...
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